VIP Class Notes (Ally)


to what extent? – degree?

quick study – fast learner

lane: (乡间)小路; 小巷; 胡同; 里弄; 车道; (比赛的)跑道,泳道; 航道

slope: po

cooped up:  (v) 被禁锢的; 被困住的
ie. I have been cooped up in my room all day.

hot springs: wen quad


gears: (某种活动的)设备,用具,衣服;

unsanitary: 脏的; 不卫生的; 不健康的;

germs: 微生物; 细菌; 病菌; 起源; 发端; 萌芽; 胚芽; 胚原基; 芽孢; 胚胎

utilities: she shi …


brunch: breakfast-lunch, 11 o’clock

authentic: real/local


together= use with action verb
ie. eat together, sleep together…
ie. + to be = We’re together = relationship

arrival (n)
ie. We expect their arrival at 3PM.

classic vs classical

Speaking exercise

I made sure about the travel to CBS with my friend
I checked(v) our travel plans(O) to CBS with my friend.

I had not many chance to see snow.
I didn’t have a lot of chances/opportunities to see snow.

I always hoped that there could be snow every year in SH.

We went there to have a visit
We visited there

At first, we didn’t have a plan to do that
It wasn’t in our plans… it wasn’t planned …

Since last year, … we haven’t been traveling outside SH …

At first, there are 4 people together, but we couldn’t find the fourth man. So it became 3 people. On the first day, we will reach the arrival and register the hotel. Then we will have a dinner and have a hot spring.  And the next day, we will get up very early and go to the ski grounds. We will spend four hours learning how to play the snowboard. We will play for free in the afternoon. And we will have a rest in the evening. On the third day, we will go to the West hill. In CBS, the South Hill is developing, the East Hill is in the Korean, so we can’t go there. The North Hill is classical things in CBS, and we will visit the West Hills first. The West Hills is latest finish and we will visited the TC … It’s a famous thing. One of my friend suggest that we should climb the hills, so maybe we will climb the mountain firstly and if we are tired we will take the cable car up. We will change this two day’s plan according the the weather.


At first, there were 4 people in total/we were going in a group of 4/we wanted to go in a group of 4, but we couldn’t find the fourth person/friend. So our group became 3 people/So only 3 or us are going together./Our group is down to 3 people. On the first day, we will reach/arrive at the destination/our arrival will be at 3 and check in to/at the hotel. Then we will have a dinner and go to the hot spring.  And the next day, we will get up very early and go to the ski grounds. We will spend four hours learning how to snowboard. We will play freely in the afternoon. And we will have a rest in the evening. On the third day, we will go to the West hill. In CBS, the South Hill is under construction/still developing/under development, the East Hill is in North Korea, so we can’t go there. The North Hill is the classic scene/sight/grounds in CBS, but we will visit the West Hills first. The West Hills has been/was finished recently and we will visited the TC … It’s a famous site/tourist spot. One of my friends suggested that we should climb the hills/go hiking on the hills, so maybe we will climb the mountain first and if we are tired we will take the cable car/ride up. We will adjust/change this two-day (adj) plan according the the weather.

It is on the hills so the weather is changeable.
It is in the mountains so the weather changes a lot/very fast

It’s cheap to fly there
The tickets are cheap

We don’t go skiing more than twice so it’ll waste our money
We don’t go skiing more than twice a year so it’ll waste our money
We only ski once or twice a years so it’ll be a waste of money

We won’t ask for another bed.


reach (more flat).  rich (small i)