VIP Class Notes (Ally)


conTENT: adj – satisfied, comfortable
ie. Are you happy in your job? I’m conTENT.

competitive edge: 竞争优势

still (n)

plaster on: 在…上面涂抹或粘贴

skimp: 吝惜
ie. skimp on(v) translation.

stubborn: 固执的; 顽固的; 倔强的; 执拗的; 难以去除(或对付)的

Speaking exercise

The whole course consist of classes in China and in the UK.

“It’s not sth you can do part-time?”
no, it’s not” – always answer the truth, not to me.

the job/project I was doing before wasn’t going well

I have this mind half a year ago
I first had/have been having this mind half a year ago

we provide the content to the players, then we need to control the console to make the content published

one person want to take a travel and the producer was not satisfied with his plan
One person on our team/One of my colleagues made a travel plan for our team’s vacation/holidays and the producer was not satisfied with his plan/disagreed with the accommodations plan

I think both of them are right
I think both of them had valid reasons

it happened another thing
something else happened

the producer didn’t agree another person change to another department
the producer didn’t agree with a department change(n) for someone else.
Someone wanted to change to another department and the producer didn’t agree.
the producer didn’t agree that the colleague (should) change to another department.

ie. she didn’t agree with the school change for her daughter (topic/subject)
ie. she didn’t agree that her daughter should go to private school. (what opinion?)

he didn’t want to honor that agreement.

he always thinks we have not a lot of jobs
he always thinks that we don’t have lots of jobs to do 
he never thinks we have enough to do 

a picture will be drawn in one or two days, but animation will be made in one week
a picture only takes one or two days to complete, but animations take a lot longer- maybe a week/take days/weeks

when I joined the group after 8 months
8 months after I joined the group

a project was not easy like our imagination
a project is not easy like we imagined

the decision certainly had its reason why they do like that
the decision certainly had its reasons.

so the producer had lots of freedom to make the decisions/could make a lot of decisions on his own


CONtent; noun

conTENT; adj

compeTItion – practice; no “tA”
