VIP Class Notes (Ally)


merit-based: 基于优秀的; 以監管機構評審為本

seniority: 年长; 级别高; 资历

considerable (adj): 相当大的; 相当多(或大、重要等)的

contemplate: 沉思; 考虑; 思忖; 思量; 深思熟虑; 考虑接受(发生某事的可能性); 苦思冥想; 端详 consider carefully

realize: make something come true
ie. When you realize the project/your objective/concept (put … on the ground),  ..

bad publicity: neg words

tedious: long and boring

overachiever: people who work TOO hard

motivation: 动机; 动力; 诱因gr

Speaking exercise

make sure that the business is obeying all the policies
make sure that everything is under regulation.

it make our things very detailed
we get many SOPs

two parts… another part is like me
two groups…there are two different opinions among us.

I need some considerable decisions.
I need to consider a lot to make a decision.

When I was interviewed this job…
When I was interviewing for this job…

gain insights/wider vision

because my current job maintained ..
because I have only been working at this company for 6 months.
because it has only been 6 months since I joined this company, so they think I’m a little bit unstable.

I’m not in a rush to quit.

but I’m a lack those things
but I lack these things

Some people who have good development ….
Most of the people who develop quickly in this company learned a lot from other companies/have lots of experience from other companies.