VIP Class Notes (Ally)


“hold your hand”: help you step by step

worthwhile: 值得的; 重要的; 令人愉快的; 有趣的; 值得花时间(或花钱、努力等

fierce: heated
ie. There was a heated debate surrounding the clinical trial.

dilute: less-concentrated

quarantine: ge li

vibe: 感应; 气氛; 环境 feel

Speaking exercise

I can sit on the seat.

I cannot.
I didn’t get an opportunity yet.

she left the company.

some people come up that we should use this regime …

their interests are not aligned.

present their opinion

“How heated was the debate?”
How + adj -> how much so ? to what degree/extent?

the deeper meaning of their sentences
their implications

The new drug is a kind of adc. There many used in the lymphomas. The company want to put this drug in the market. They conduct phase I clinical trial in order to put this drug in human,… There are 4 phases of the clinical trials. Phase I trial is about the usage to the human firstly, so they need to know the drug dosage. They want to explore the dosage escalation and expansion in the human. They firstly establish a basis of the drug from the clinal data, and then they use a dosage escalation to establish to establish the maximum dosage of the drug, depends on the toxicities.

They use a little less than maximum in a bigger/wide range./population.

They want to use higher usage but don’t have toxicities to the human body.

They have also done/completed phase II.

It’s for a long time, for a short time, they use the overall reactive rate.
In the long-term/long-run, they look for the overall survival. For the short-term, they look for the complete reactive rate.


abbreviation – a-bree-vee-A-tion

conjugate- con-ju-git

mainly – mAn-lee

overall – all – more A, less O, not “o” sound
