VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Dermatologist: skin doctor

sugar daddy: money dad

sugar baby

rule of thumb: general rule 根据实际经验的)粗略估算;经验之谈; 经验法则

exclusive: 独家; (个人或集体)专用的,专有的,独有的,独占的; 排外的; 不愿接收新成员(尤指较低社会阶层)的; 高档的; 豪华的; 高级的; 排斥的; 不包括

pseudonym: 假名; 化名; 笔名
ie. Why do we need a pseudonym for ur husband?

third-wheel: lightbulb


pick-up line:

“to each his own” : 每个人不一样

components: parts

down-to-earth: practical, reasonable, good …

macho man: 硬派男子汉; 纯爷们儿 Wu jing

cliche: the bestfriend
ie. The best friend is a cliche. /off- limits.
ie. My CDs are off-limits to you.

threshold for pain: 耐痛
ie. I have a high threshold for pain.

Speaking exercise

when you‘re off work

you can’t make the first move

for girls, that’s rare./that’s rarely true.

date with

you always attract by some bad personality
I am always attracted by the bad boy personality.

I don’t attract by ….
I am not attracted by…
Wujing is not attractive.

That’s when I recognise… is true

I think he has no feelings – he’s cold
I think he didn’t care about his partner
I think it didn’t matter to him that much
I think it didn’t affect him that much.

We haven’t any close (adj) …/ We don’t have any close …
We were not that close (adj) … (for adj, use TO BE as the verb)

The story is another girl told me
Another girl who knows the both of them/who is a common friend told me the story.
The story was told to me by another girl, who knows the both of them.

He didn’t ask me anything about M

I HEsitated (v) for a bit.

He has no responsibility …

to take him back. 

he has the finger passcode.

He typed his finger passcode.
he unlock (v) ed the door with his fingerprint.

I have no words to talk with him.
I have nothing to talk about with him./I have nothing to say to him.

get out of it

Lotus Elise