VIP Class Notes (Ally)


do-er: actionist

holiday spirit: atmosphere

formality: something meaningless that you do because you are supposed to
ie. These forms are just a formality.

solitude: being alone 孤独; 独处; 独居

homebody: person who likes to stay at home

snooty/stuck up/has her nose (up) in the air: 傲慢的; 目中无人的

phony: 虚伪的; 做作的

urban myth: fake city story

Speaking exercise

I was fed up with her complaining.

they complain a lot, but they did nothing.
they complain a lot, but they do nothing about it/to change/don’t make a change.

one station early

I think she feels that way.

she looks down her nose on me.

we tried to not to make him understand what we are talking
we were trying not to make him understand/we were trying to hide/mask what we were talking about/ what we were talking about

it’s the tool I talk to my parents
it’s the tool I use to talk to my parents
it’s the tool I talk to my parents with (formal -> don’t end on preposition)


feel – no “you” sound, not “miu miu”

milk – “mi – el- k” no “you” sound

build =billed