VIP Class Notes (Ally)


in hindsight/retrospect: looking back
ie. In retrospect, that was a great a great decision.

procession:人或车辆的)队列,行列; 列队行进; 游行; (一个接着一个而来的)一队人,一列人

curriculum: 课程; (学校等的)全部课程

shrewd: 精明的; 敏锐的; 有眼光的; 精于盘算的; 判断得准的; 高明的

mnemonic device: memory devices

suspended: 悬; 挂; 吊; 暂停; 中止; 使暂停发挥作用(或使用等); 延缓; 暂缓; 推迟

coveted: (position) everyone wants it

hence: 因此; 由此


think of: come up with (idea, method), one time suddenly in my mind

Speaking exercise

I’m busy but I think not quite busy.
I’m busy but I think not very busy/but only a little/but I can handle it.

they stopped the saving plan.
they suspended the saving plan.

I can see that in the future the business will still drop.
I can see that in the future the business will continue to drop/keep dropping.

I will never know how they think about me.
I will never know what they think about me/how they think of me.

I think about a method to make him go to the kindergarten.
I thought of a method to make him go to the kindergarten.

I know I can find many jobs in financial aspect.
I know I have lots of options in financial field./field of finance.

It’s almost everything my 2021.
It took up my entire year.
It lasted for the whole year.

there’s an exercise let him circle the letters
there’s an exercise with letters for him to circle

you can use this knife to cut the cake.
you can cut the cake with this knife.

my gym. “gym, …”
hence the name

ridiculous story

the effect is not very good

everything I tried

when he was little, he will

the dumpling… every dumpling you need to order at least 36… can you give us 6666

for them 36 is enough

you get it very hard

Reflection of the past year:

  1. Leaving for Loreal and coming back to sephora
    – learned more about other aspects of the field
    – discovered more about yourself