VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Tell me about your favorite movie/show. A brief summary + why you like it


connotation: 内涵; 含义; 隐含意义

off: not accurate enough
ie. That definition is a bit off. (not completely wrong)

dystopia/utopia: good/bad world


apocalyptic: grand scale disaster (world destruction)

niche: 市场定位; 壁龛; 舒适或称心的工作(或生活等); (产品的)商机; (山体)凹进的地方

fugitive: 逃犯; 逃亡者; 亡命者; 逃跑者 you did sth wrong

refugees: 难者; 逃亡者; 难民

cook up: 策划,谋划(阴谋等); 捏造; 编造 

assimilation: 同化(使相邻的两个音发音接近,如football中t的发音为p); 吸收; 接受; 同化现象

descendant: 后代; 后裔; 子孙; (由过去类似物发展来的)派生物

descend: go down

descent: (n) go down (n) bloodline下降; 下倾; 斜坡; 坡道; 血统; 祖籍; 祖先; 出身

apprehensive: worried (adj)


equal = numbers

would – habit, 会, tendency

Speaking exercise

It won the Hugo award

how to think the universe
how to perceive the universe/comprehend/apprehend/conceptualize the universe

is approximately equal to the Chinese civilisation
is very similar to/almost identical/nearly the same as to the Chinese civilisation

Chinese fans concerns Netflix may cannot adapt this novel very well
Chinese fans express concerns that Netflix may not be able to/capable of adapting adapt this novel very well

He can’t perform the Chinese culture well.
He can’t perform a Chinese cultural role well.
His performance cannot embody/show/represent the Chinese culture very well.

maybe he is not the fittest one
maybe he’s not the most suitable one.
maybe he’s not the one that is the best fit.

Writing exercise

Actually, the government didn’t give reasons for the tumbling birth rate, but we can find some clues to explain.
Actually, the government didn’t give reasons for the tumbling birth rate, but we can find some clues.

Native government released some population policy to incentive rapid population growth.
Native governments has/ released a population policy to stimulate population growth.

It results in baby boom.
It results in the baby boom.

In recent years, due to the incentive of population growth, the Chinese government relax one-child policy and terminate it in 2015.
In recent years, as an incentive of population growth, the Chinese government has relaxed its/the one-child policy and fully terminated it in 2015.

Every time I’m too hurried to use some rules I learned
Every time I would get/be too hurried to use certain/the rules I learned