VIP Class Notes (Ally)


genetics: 基因 genes
ie. It’s just genetics.

demographic: (尤指特定年龄段的)人群

sexist: 性别歧视

outline: 概述; 梗概; 轮廓线; 略图;

framework: 框架

interior: 内饰

make ends meet/make a living:work for survival

reject: refuse 拒绝

basketball court: 篮球场

subtitles: 字幕

negative: –

principle: 道德原则; 行为准则; 规范; 法则; 原则; 原理; 观念

injury: injure (v) injured

contract: he due

instant coffee: 速溶

shot glass


curative/healing/therapeutic:治疗的; 医疗的; 治病的; 有助于放松精神的

raw: 生的 没有处理过的

controversial: 有争议的。controversy (n) 争议

depressing: 令人抑郁的; 令人沮丧的; 令人消沉的


when you have 2 action verbs: +verb. ie. I like to play basketball.
2. verb+ ing. ie. I like playing basketball.

It’s OK
Not really

just – gang gang

Speaking exercise

I work for TV commercial and I’m a TV director
I shoot/make TV commercials and I’m a TV director

Sometimes we can’t sleep all the night
Sometimes we have to stay up the whole night
Sometimes we can’t get any sleep at all

Chinese client always like their commercial look classic …
Chinese client always like their commercials classic …
Chinese client always like their commercials to look classic …
I like my steak well-cooked (adj).

Foreign commercial is big range
Foreign commercials have a big range
Foreign commercials are more creative(adj) with their storyline./show more range.

运动员不能受伤 他们有很多的广告合约
Athletes can’t be injured/hurt. They have so much advertising/commercial contracts.

I hard to keep going.
It’s hard to keep going. -> Something is hard.
I couldn’t keep going. -> SVO

I just can drink American or Espresso, can’t with milk.
I can only drink Americano or Espresso without milk
I can only drink American or Espresso. I can’t drink them with milk.

I only remember which shop…/ the shop’s name

If I drink them (coffee and milk) separately, it’s OK.

until now -> doesn’t include “now”
I didn’t read it until now. -> Now I read it.
I didn’t/haven’t read it yet. -> No read

He wrote something on Weibo.