VIP Class Notes (Ally)


pouches: 小袋子; 荷包; 邮袋; (有袋目动物腹部的)育儿袋

lanyard: Diao dai

badge: 章; 奖章; (制服上的)标记,标识; 证章; 警徽 for authority

sabotage: 破坏; 蓄意破坏(以防止敌方利用或表示抗议); 妨碍; 捣乱

dilemma: 困境; (进退两难的)窘境

Speaking exercise


more money than I planned
more money than I planned/intended to

although I can afford one I will never use it

I can finish my work very efficiently

some of them are happy, some of them are unhappy

the one who was in my place when I left
my replacement

let me tell you from the firstly

from that time, she didn’t say anything to those person

it’s me so she leave

no matter what the business do, finance will be the last procedure

you need to settle down the system

from professional wise

he worked overtime and heard about their conversation