2F2F Class Notes (Ally)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.


elaborate: say more

catch your breath: 喘口气

gradually: 一步步

according to/accordingly: 照着; 相应地; 因此; 所以

senior: 较…年长的人; 级别(或地位)较高者;

unkempt: 蓬头垢面的; 不修边幅的; 凌乱的; 不整洁的

valid: reasonable (正式)认可的; 符合逻辑的; 合理的; 有根据的; 确凿的; 有效的; 系统认可的;

exploit: 剥削; 发挥; 利用(…为自己谋利); 压榨; 运用

snort: 用鼻子哼哼; (表示气愤或被逗乐)喷鼻息,哼

suck: lj. suck at sth, bad at sth
ie. You must suck(v) at the game because I heard it’s a very expensive game and you only spent 100 yuan.


would: habits

1800: eighteen hundred / one thousand eight hundred

2021: twenty twenty one/ two thousand and twenty one

Speaking exercise

I’m very common usually, when I go to work.
When I’m at work/I go to work, I’m dressed very commonly./I just wear whatever I want.

I will see what kind of dress code in the department.
I will see what kind of dress code is in the department. (phrase)
I will see the kind of dress code in the department. (n)

Then I will dress commonly gradually.
Then I will dress accordingly.

I have been at the company longer so I can do whatever I want.

I will put on (v) make up (n) when I …

specialized division of labor

Most of Chinese people will quit after they find a new job. We need some company to buy the social insurance.
Most of the Chinese people/Most Chinese people would only quit after they find a new job. We need a company to pay for the social insurance.

somebody in your family need to take care of
somebody in your family need to be taken care of
you have to take care of someone in your family

if you get pregnant

It seems unnecessary to do that …

We will ask but we don’t will just comment before.
We will ask but we don’t make a comment/don’t judge./don’t discriminate.

They will not too care about the salary or the work.
They will not care too much about the salary or the work.

fight for their own benefits.

I have a colleague just quit two months ago.
I have a colleague who just quit two months ago.

not choose to get married
choose to stay single

it’s not too big different
the difference is not too big
it’s not too different
there’s no big difference

More and more people don’t like … (+ then –  -> wrong)
Less people use traditional channels.

It’s very tired to take care of the baby
It’s very tiring to take care of the baby
I’m very tired from taking care of the baby.

the grandparents will hard to control the time
the grandparents cannot control the time very easily.
It’s hard for the grandparents to control the time.

He will take the responsibility on her English class.
He is responsible for teaching her English.


valid – not “e”