VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Work on Chitchat. Chitchat role-play.

“Shopping and things we like to buy.”



correspondence: 通信; 通信联系

strike through/strike it out: strike


ready wear

the hype/the rage: the trend
ie. Fluffy slippers are the hype/the rage this year.

snarky: 尖锐批评的; 讽刺挖苦的

farfetched: 牵强的; 牵强(附会)的

perks: extra benefit, benefit on the side

throw away: as garbage



will = specific future tense

going to = future

would = past tense of will and for all habits and for conditionals (if)

Speaking exercise

In the past few years, C also sells good things at low price.
In the past few years, C has also been selling good things at low prices./their products /going more affordable.

We would type a higher price on the price tag.
We would print/assign/give a higher price on the price tag.

They want to catch the younger generation’s eye
appeal to/attract the younger generation
their target demographic is the younger generation

Before I enter into this industry, I expect a lot because I want to learn the fashion/design.
Before I entered/stepped into this industry, I expected a lot/more because I want to learn the fashion/design.

The final price will be the half after the 30% discount
You get half price/50% off on top of the 30% discount

My mother will throw some things without my permission. Last time, she throw a toy bear which accompanied with me for over 10 years. She thought the bear is very dirty and not worth pay money to wash it. And I say don’t come to my room again.

Something that really annoys me is that my mother would throw some things away without my permission./Something that really annoys me is my mother throwing (verb-noun)my stuff away without my permission. Last time, she threw away a toy bear which accompanied me for over 10 years. She thought the bear is very dirty and it’s not worth paying money to wash it/not worth the money it costs to wash it. And I said to her don’t come into my room again.

SVO and VO
I like burgers and hate fries.


throw: th+row, not “through”
