VIP Class Notes (Ally)


thermos:insulated cup/bottle

roomba:irobot robot vacuum

curative: 治愈的; 能治病的; 有疗效的;

cruel: 残酷的; 冷酷的; 残忍的; 残暴的; 引起痛苦的

stray: (v) 迷路; 偏离; 走失; 偏离正题; 走神; 离题; 有外遇; 在别处拈花惹草 (n) homeless animals
ie. You’re straying from our original proposal/plan. -> stick to the original plan.
ie. I saved a stray.(n)/ I saved a stray (adj)cat.

child abuse: hitting children

hypocrite: 伪君子; 伪善者; 虚伪的人; (person)  hypocrisy (n) does the opposite
ie. You’re a hypocrite for …

stock up: store more things, buy more than you can consume now

tactic: 策略; 手段; 招数; 战术; 兵法

have enough on their plates: enough to deal with/enough on their hands/hands are full at the moment

take something off your plate/hand: let me do this for you/let me lighten your burden

hands are tied: I can’t help you
ie. I really want to help but my hands are tied.

controversial: 引起争论的; 有争议的

critical: 批评的; 关键的; 批判性的; 挑剔的; 极重要的; 至关紧要的; 严重的; 不稳定的; 可能有危险的;
ie. This is a critical element of the project. -> important
ie. I remain critical of the project. -> I’m still unsure. I still have criticism about the project.
ie. The critics(person) argue that the govt should not have attacked Iraq. Critics(people who disagree) only gave a 4 rating on this movie.

constructive criticism: 有建设性的批评(或评论)tough words that makes you better/teaches you things


present simple tense- all general info, add tense for events, consider when the V is true.

one continuous action = one V
ie. want to adapt, need to adapt

one action -> a noun/concept
ie. adapt to sleeping late

Speaking exercise

as always, today was not interesting.
as always on Mondays, today was not interesting.

I’m usually comfortable when I’m in the environment that I’m familiar with.
I’m usually comfortable in a familiar environment.
A familiar environment usually provides me with a sense/feeling of comfort.
I usually feel a sense of comfort in a familiar environment.
A familiar environment is usually comforting to me. – > I am comforted(adj) by a familiar environment.

…from the comfort of my own home..

Kill homeless animals is really cruel.
Killing homeless animals is really cruel.

I would like to comfort(v) my friends when they’re upset.

People crave(v) for trips.
People have the craving(n) for trips.

I have an adaptor for my computer.
I have adapted to eating (n) dinner and going(n) to bed late.

I believe that coronavirus comes from China is the latest conspiracy theory. 

He pays attention to any news about this.

He’s still controversial about a few terms.
A few terms are controversial to my boss.


would. wood


book foot look

Luke tooth

campaign – campAn

maintain: mAntAn

maintenance  – mAntnans

play day game jay

main – mAn


still – not “steel”, not “Stew” not “u”



build – billed

unhappy – not “an”, not “ong”

on un