VIP Class Notes (Ally)


intend: want, objective, goal (v) intention

setting: place and time (literature)

subtle: small, insignificant


– for connections, try to think about the relationship between point A and B. Find the difference and say it in the connection.
– don’t use “nowadays” when you don’t want to illustrate a before->current change.
– in 3rd point, you can talk about extreme case
-euphemisms: specific -> general (ie. food -> life necessities) -> degree: not too overboard (ie. no money for life necessity -> have difficulties maintaining living standard, paying bills)-> word choice: don’t use “you will die” (ie. people kill each other-> society unrest, violence in society, stealing -> crime rates) -> you can use “in extreme cases…” – > part to represent the few (ie. old people rock -> some of old people rock) -> add “er” (ie. older)
– the most “obvious” point always P1, other points you can say ”
– a continued example (ie. Nobel example, the Covid-19)

Speaking exercise


they can know -> they can find out