VIP Class Notes (Ally)


stuff: things

tell on you:
ie. She told on me to my husband.

bear it: keep it inside
ie. Can you bear it?

hurtful: full of hurt (adj)
ie. That statement was very hurtful.
ie. That statement hurt me./our family.

deal with/handle: manage

blame: put the wrong to
ie. You can’t blame the kid just because she’s young.

guilty:内疚的; 感到惭愧的; 犯了罪; 有过失的
ie. She feels guilty when she buys something for herself.

control freak: somebody who really likes to control others

awkward: 令人尴尬的; 使人难堪的; 难对付的; 难处理的; 不方便的;

superior: 优越的; (在品质上)更好的; 占优势; 更胜一筹; (在级别、重要性或职位上)更高的; 有优越感的; 高傲的

pension: 退休金; 养老金; 抚恤金

bother: make trouble for

Speaking exercise

I have tried my best to be nice to her in the best of my ability.

She was not go to kindergarten this Monday.
She did not go to kindergarten this Monday.

to talking some daily routines.
to gossip with the neighbors.

to neighborhood home
to a neighbor’s home

I backed to home after work and nobody at work.
I went back home after work and nobody was at home

was – to be (v)
did – not a verb, add a verb to the question sentence

When they come back, I asked my daughter “where are you going?”
When they came back, I asked my daughter “where did you go?

My mother in law taking my daughter to the neighbor’s is amazing/surprising. I feel bad.
I felt amazed. I felt bad.

If the patient is sick, you haven’t to eat any sweets.
If the patient is sick, he or she can’t eat any sweets.

You haven’t to do this.
You can’t do/shouldn’t do/must not do this.

My mother put the wrong to my daughter.
My mother blamed my daughter.

make things difficult for him

Just proposed to living my mother in law.
I just proposed living separately from my mother-in-law.

don’t know what my husband consideration
but I don’t know my husband’s consideration (n).
but I don’t know what(noun) my husband is considering(v).