VIP Class Notes (Ally)


cheap: 小气

non-fiction: 非小说类

rational:合理的; 理性的; 明智的; 理智的; 清醒的

documentaries: 纪录片

discipline: 练; 训导; 纪律; 风纪; 训练方法; 行为准则; 符合准则的行为; 自制力

hypothetical: 假设的; 假定的
ie. Hypothetically speaking …

impressed me: 让我惊叹
ie. The new dance teacher’s moves really impressed me. (good)
ie. He left me with a deep impression. (good and bad, maybe mixed feelings)

overrated:对…评价过高; 高估

indifferent: no preference
ie. I’m indifferent about dinner tonight.

trivial: 不重要的; 琐碎的; 微不足道的
ie. trivial matter

laid back: (adj) lax
ie. Ally is a very laid-back person.

Speaking exercise

Nobody don’t play games.
Every boy plays games.

We can have a break after the national day holidays, but not during. (= at the time of …)

advance stage

They couldn’t think in a normal manner.
They can’t think in a normal manner./think rationally

She always shows enthusiasm when teaching us.

They have to learn since 11- 12 years old.
They have to start learning since 11- 12 years old./at an early age.

That’s the difference between China and the Western countries.

the college regards the body qualification more seriously…
/has a more strict standard for body qualification.

When the students going through the examination …
When the students take part in the examination …

What the teachers thinks the most important is their enthusiasm.
What(=the thing) the teachers thinks is the most important is their enthusiasm.
What the teachers value the most is their enthusiasm.

The most talented students get quitted from the school, maybe because they have too good talents.
The most talented students often quit the school, maybe because they have too much talent./they are too talented(adj)/proud.

I haven’t met/come across them.

If it was several years ago, I may think to let the children go. It’s the best way is to give them freedom is the most important thing. But recently I found that chid are always child. They couldn’t have a self-discipline so they need the adults to monitor them.

If it were several years ago, I might prefer letting children do what they like/prefer to make them feel freedom/I might give my children more freedom./let children do whatever they want. To give them freedom is the most important thing. But recently I found that children are always children. They don’t have self-discipline/don’t know the importance of self-discipline/can’t be self-disciplined so they need the adults to monitor/supervise/keep an eye/guide/help them.

I’m afraid Judy may forgot.
I’m afraid Judy may have forgotten.

Q: thoughts on marriage?
A: I don’t have any minds about marriage now, cause I haven’t met Mr. Right yet. I had a bf before, I liked his character. We got along with each other well. Maybe we are too young at that age, maybe.. 23 years old. So we often quarreled with each other with some unreasonable reasons. Not some specific topics … but we couldn’t accept each other life manner… I mean I like to work hard and make more money but he was more flexible. He preferred more labile life.. He thought having an easy occupation and earning moderate amount of money is enough to him. He likes to play games and stay with his friends. We were in Beijing at that time. And the housing price is quite high, I’d like to buy one in the future. And he thought renting for a lifetime is enough.

A: I don’t have any opinions about marriage now/My mind is not really on marriage right now/I’m not thinking about marriage now, cause I haven’t met Mr. Right yet. I have had a bf before (so we’re taking about things right now), I liked his personality. We got along with each other well. Maybe we are too young at that age, maybe.. 23 years old. So we often quarreled with each other unreasonably/over very small/trivial things. (Q: about what?) Not about specific topics/nothing specific … but we couldn’t accept each other’s life attitude… I mean I like to work hard and make more money but he was more lax/laid-back. He preferred more chill/laid-back lifestyle.. He thought having an easy occupation and earning moderate amount of money is enough. He likes to play games and stay with his friends. We were in Beijing at that time. And the housing price is incredibly expensive/through the roof, I plan/want to buy one in the future. but he thought renting for a lifetime is enough.

social life…
the realities of life.

