VIP Class Notes (Ally)


telling on you: 告状

same old

keep it all in

counselling: therapy

wrap your head around = comprehend something

gist: 要点; 主旨; 大意  main meaning that I’m not going to explain specifically


play pen

padding/pad: 垫子

mentality/ideology/teaching philosophy

principal/headmaster: 校长

stressful: tiring

burden on sb

tag along: 跟着

asthma: 哮喘
ie. His asthmas was cured.

puberty: when the guy’s voice get lower etc.

fragile: easy to break

snot: bi ti


I’m a “take-out person”.

Speaking exercise

I give him eat a lot of things.
He has a variety of food everyday.
I give him a very complete diet.

My mom felt relieved.
It took the pressure off my mom.

Maybe it’s the time that we didn’t need a nanny anymore.
Maybe it’s time to get rid of the nanny./be on our own without the nanny.

Before I’m pregnant.
Before I got pregnant.

My husband is willing to listen to my complaints.

He’s in bank.
He works in banking.

I have some requirements for the house.
I have some requirements for my living arrangements.

My room is the most tidy one compared with other families who have child.
My room is as tidy as it can be, considering that we have a child.

You should prevent him from walking around.

He has the concept. He cannot understand the details. A lot of professional wording, which I think he cannot understand. The way I complain to him, I think he’s also a kind of.. organise my thoughts. I really hope that he can help me and he can tell me “if I were in your situation what I would do”. But he has no ability to do so.
He has the concept for what I’m doing but he could not understand the details, such as professional wording/lingo/jargon, which I think he cannot understand. I think complaining to him is the way for me to organize my thoughts. I really hope that he can help me and he can tell me “if I were in your situation what I would do”/what he would do if he were in my situations/shoes. But he can’t really (do that).

I’m not quite believe in the company’s consultant.
I don’t quite believe in the company’s consultant.


money/company = eeeee