VIP Class Notes (Ally)


workaholic –  lao mo

profitable/lucrative: money-making

picky: tiao ti

grey area: 灰色地带

bureaucracy:官僚主义; 官僚作风; 官僚体制

perks: benefits(工资之外的)补贴,津贴,额外待遇

routine work/grunt work: work without creativity/no decision-making

prospects: 能性; 希望; 前景; 展望; 设想; 成功的机会; 前途

Speaking exercise

They don’t only check for … but detailed lines…
Not only do they check for… but they also check ..

They will rely on Sephora less and less.

He’s very picky about the products.

I see the future development.
I can see the future prospects/This is a job with more prospects.

I have landed in this position. (result now… what’s going on now?)