VIP Class Notes (Ally)


prepare to talk about KW’s new event next class


according to: 根据。。。

set the bar:规定标准, set the standards for

evaluate: give out points to

good at improvising:随机应变

memes: 表情包

conspiracy: 阴谋

depreciate: 贬值; 跌价;

procrastinate: 拖延

on top of :…have lots of time, very organized

defeated: 失败感

algorithms: 算法; 计算程序

accomplish: finish, got, achieved

concrete: (adj) solid

projections: 预测; 推断; 设想

stray: (verb) 迷路; 偏离; 走失; 偏离正题; 走神; 离题; 有外遇; 在别处拈花惹草;

dismiss: 不予考虑; 摒弃; 对…不屑一提

violence: 暴力

vibrant: living (for colors, means strong)

admirable: 可钦佩的; 值得赞赏的; 令人羡慕的

lighten up: take it easy, don’t be so moody

Speaking exercise

have a try
trying it out

This is not what I want to do.
This is against my deepest beliefs.
This is not what I stand for.

I’m a person who easily to change my interest or goals.
I’m a person who easily changes interest/goals.

in 25…
at 25… at this age.. at a certain age..

Everyone has herself ways to the end
Everyone has his own ways to the end.

“money can’t buy happiness”