VIP Class Notes (Ally)


building up: increasing
ie. Is pressure building up? – are you getting more pressure?

recent: new

take credit: 抢功劳

rotate: 轮流

inspire: 激励; 鼓舞; 赋予灵感; 引起联想; 启发思考; 使产生(感觉或情感);

attitude: 态度


envy: xian mu

napkin: zhi jin

blame: 把…归咎于; 责怪; 指责;

to commute: 通勤

relate: 关联


in laws:your wife’s parents

let go – relax, lose control

Speaking exercise

they have not any benefit for our team.
they don’t have any benefit for our team.
they don’t help us.

“what is it for?” – “why?”

two days before the flight

if they have a hard competition
if the competition is very tough

I should spend/take
It takes…
I spend…

If next time you see me, I’m fit, … it would be because I fired my boss.

