VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Finish making the sentences for the 4 vocabulary words


system: xi tong
ie. My company has a complete system.

nag: lao dao
ie. I won’t (will not) stay with my parents because they always nag (verb).

digest: xiao hua (v)
ie. Bion does not have a good digestive system.
ie. The news is very hard to digest.

surgery: shou shu

recovery: hui fu
ie. The recovery time/period of this surgery is two weeks.

offend: 得罪; 冒犯
ie. I don’t want to offend you but I think Kris Wu is a paoking.

character: ren ge
ie. Kris Wu has one character flaw (ixia ci).

antique: gu dong
ie. He collects antiques.
ie. He is a collector of antiques.
ie. He has a collection of antiques.
ie. Bion wants to be a collector of antiques by 35.

vintage: zhong gu
ie. This is a vintage Chanel.

stool: deng zi
ie. Bion bought a very pretty old stool, because he likes it, so whatever.

renovate: zhuang xiu
ie. Bion has to renovate his mom’s new place.

issue: 争论的问题

housewarming: party for new home

previous: last

empty: kong

budget: yu suan
ie. The client has a very limited budget.
ie. We are under budget/ We can’t go over budget.

standards: biao zhun
ie. The client has very high standards.
ie. The client has lots of requirements.


‘s = people/group
of = things/ kinds

tired of : ni le
ie. If I get tired of looking at them, I will take them back home.
ie. If I get tired of cooking/my dog…

Have = yong you
ie. SH has good food  -> THERE BE -> There are lots of good food in SH.

in 3 days = 3 tian en
ie. I need the proposal in 3 days./by Saturday.

3 days ago = 3 tian dian
ie. I had surgery 3 days ago.

since Tuesday/for 3 days = cong (cannot be 1 time action, because it is a time period)
ie. I have been having nightmares since Tuesday/for 3 days/all day/for the whole day.

since= from … till now ..

pieces of clothing/pieces

Speaking exercise

Every Spring Festival/Chinese New year, he says if he make more money, he would retire and come back to ZJ.

When you’re in SH, the place would be empty?

I go back home once every two weeks.

Since elementary school, I have always lived alone.

She wants my help (noun) to design her house.
She wants me to help (verb) her design her house.

Because I have limited budget, I can’t reach my requirements./standards.

Am I not right? = Am I wrong?

In my school days, I don’t want to remember this word’s meaning(yi yi)/what this word means because there are too many meanings.

I have many friends is the same as Kris Wu. Though we are good friend, but I don’t agree this action.
I have many friends who are the same as Kris Wu. (i have many friends. they are the same…)Though we are good friends, I don’t agree with this action.

I don’t agree with you on this issue/problem.

“When did you have your surgery?”
I had surgery on Tuesday.

“Did you buy the clothing we were looking at last time?”

There’s one that you really liked.

Next week, I can’t come/be here.

Writing exercise

Bad habits:

To be honest,I’m really stubborn.
I’m trying to break the habit of staying up too late.
Smoking is bad habits.
I don’t like to do housework.
I wasted a lot of money playing games.

get rid of:
ie: I can’t get rid of smoking.

ie: taking the medicine on a daily basis

ie: I was puiiing an all nighter at my office.

ie: this words is simon handwriting.

ie: i have two curious cats

ie: I’m usually excited the night before traveling.

ie: Nowadays, delicious foods are more and more.

ie: Many important events have taken place in China this year.

get to know
ie: I want to get to know more about you next time.


Bad habits:

To be honest,I’m really stubborn.
I’m trying to break the habit of staying up too late.
Smoking is bad habits.
I don’t like to do housework.
I wasted a lot of money playing games.

get rid of:
ie: I can’t get rid of smoking.

ie: taking the medicine on a daily basis

ie: I was puiiing an all nighter at my office.

ie: this words is simon handwriting.

ie: i have two curious cats

ie: I’m usually excited the night before traveling.

ie: Nowadays, delicious foods are more and more.

ie: Many important events have taken place in China this year.

get to know
ie: I want to get to know more about you next time.