VIP Class Notes (Aileen) [W]


Read the script out loud while performing the movements.  Muscle memory to English memory!  Don’t try to memorize word for word, pay attention to how to put the words together to form a sentence.

Writing exercise

Amy’s version:

First, we need worm up 5 minutes, burpee jump 20, turn the wrists and ankles, turn the neck, roiling the shoulders. Second, running 20 minutes. Third, squat 50, flat 5 minutes
The last, need 10 minutes stretch to the muscles


Aileen’s version:

First we need to warm up for 5 minutes, then do 20 burpee jumps.  Second, we twist the wrists and ankles, and turn your neck left and right.   Next we run in circles for 20 minutes and then do 50 squats for 5 minutes flat.  Finally, we take 10 minutes to stretch out the muscles.

Look to the left, look to the right.

In- place: staying in one position, for example running in-place

Flat-used after minutes meaning exactly that much time, no more no less.  e.g. “I can put on my makeup everyday in 15 minutes flat.”


I will be your yoga instructor today.

Do you have any injuries? Any pain that I should know about?

Let me check it out first.

Let’s get started!  Let’s dive in.

Let’s have a seat and warm up first.

Let’s twist our wrists

Look to the left, look to the right

Okay, stop.

Arms up, palms facing each other

Reach up to the ceiling (see-ling)

Then bend forward, place your hands down on the mat, and stretch out your legs.

This is the downward-facing dog position.

Lift your chest up, tuck your bottom in. (bah-dum)

Step forward to your hands (like this)

Now, let’s stand up.

Next, we will do Triangles.

Legs apart, turn the right foot out. 关于脚都用 “turn” 也许和芭蕾舞有关

Extend your right arm up and bend down

Grab your ankle (ank-gull)

Reach to the ceiling with your left hand

Let’s hold this pose for 3 minutes.

Deep breaths, just a little bit longer, you can do it!

Release!  Now the other side

Next position, War 2.  Jump apart like this, then triangle pose again, and bend your right knee 90 degrees.

Now we do the same for the left side.

Let’s sit back down.  Legs apart, arms up, pull your spine to the ceiling, breathe through your nose, and twist your body to the right.

Grab the side of your foot, and twist again.

And now the other side.

Now grab the back of your knees like this, put the bottoms of your feet together, and bend forward.  Let’s stay here for 5 minutes.  Take deep breaths.

Knees together, move them back and forth like this.

Now let’s kneel.  Place the block between your feet, and sit on your heels.

Interlock your fingers behind your back, and stretch out, opening your chest.

Switch your two pinkies’ position, turn your head to the left and then to the right.


Tilt your head to the left and drop your right shoulder.

Now the other side.

Now back to downward-facing dog.  Push your body back.  Place your body’s weight on your legs.

Now let’s do planks.  Stay for 2 minutes.  (Hold it, hold it)

Pull your bottom up, go back to downward-facing dog.

Right foot forward, and bend the knee 90 degrees.