VIP Class Notes 6th May (Jesse)


Write some answers to the questions from today. And think of some other questions you can ask after they answer.


eg. I hate overcast days… but I love sunny days

coordinate = to work together to do sth
coordinated = sb who can move their body in an organised way

uncoordinated – sb who always hurts themselves accidentally or falls easily
eg. my cat has been acting a little uncoordinated

Do you live here permanently? / Are you settling down in Shanghai or…?
… So where is your home country?
How do you like it? / How do you find it?

How long do you plan on being here for? / Any plans on moving back home in the future?
What do you do? / What do you do for work?
Got any kids? / So you have a family here or…?
Have you made many friends here…or..? / How do you find making friends with locals? Had much luck?
What kinds of drinks are really popular back home? / back in your home country?
What kinds of flavors do you like? Maybe I can fix you something that is really to your tastes
Tell me what spirit you’d like me to use as a base, and I can give you some options to choose from. / What’s your favourite spirit? And I can use that as a base to make you a cocktail.
Do you want something really sweet and easy to drink? or something with a strong alcohol taste?
Do you prefer a bigger glass and not too strong? or a smaller glass but much stronger tasting?
Can I get you any snacks or finger food?

crushed ice = slurpy = slushy
it’s good for business, lots of good food.