VIP Class Notes 6th April (Jesse)


Use these words and the grammar connecting words to make a story and practice reading it, focusing on the pronunciation of “AY”


are you used to it? yes / no
I’m used to it – xi guan

I’m good but the business has not been good in past 2 months, the boss is not happy and I feel stressed.

soon (future) / recently (past)

pressure – sth you can get
stress – feeling

short staffed 
eg. we’re short staffed at the moment

save < > waste
eg. one of the ways we save money is by ordering less spirits, fruits, and less ice.

what if you run out?ru guo ni yong wan zenme ban?

what if you could fly?
what if you were rich?

crutches – something that helps you walk when you break your foot / leg
eg. I used crutches and they were annoying

nerve – makes your body feel things. Without them we have no feeling
eg. Jesse had surgery on his finger so he has some nerve problem now. 

he is looking forward to it – to be excited about something in the future