VIP Class Notes 4th May (Jesse)


Use as many of the bold words from below as possible in some writing.


many things I need to focus on there are many things that I need to focus on / deal with 

Today is a good day / one of the best days / amazing day / awesome day / pretty good / decent for me recently / the last few days due to the fact that / as  my colleague is back / has returned from Japan, and I don’t need / there’s no need for me / I don’t have / I’m not expected to do the double work-load anymore / any longer / from now on. My boss also went abroad / out of the country / overseas / on a trip / My boss also flew to Scotland, so I feel more relaxed / I can do my work in my own time / I can chill / I’m much more relaxed without him standing over me. I held / organised / put together / put on / chaired 3 meetings as usual / as always / as per usual / as is common for me, took / had a WeChat English class, and watched / saw / went to / caught the movie “Fast and Furious 8†in the evening / at night / after work.

expertise = high level skill

other works – other work / other things to do 

present moment – now

i’m not used to doing 
eg. try things that I’m not used to doing.