VIP Class Notes 26th April (Tony)


disadvantagement     disadvantage


it takes a toll

two- faced – showing someone an untrue side so you can manipulate them

eg: Being two-faced will eventually just make things worse.

spectrum – a scale of different changes

eg: The visible spectrum of light has 8 colors.

have some dirt on somebody – you know some bad information about this person.

eg: Clinton had a lot of dirt on Trump, but it wasn’t helpful.

dirty work – criminal or illegal jobs or tasks

eg: Politicians often break the law, but rarely do their own dirty work.

hands are clean – you were not involved, or your involvement can not be proved.

eg: The government told the public that his hands are clean, although they didn’t even believe it themselves.

blood on your hands – to be responsible for something violent

eg: Some of the politicians have blood on their hands.

vilify – to make someone a villain

eg: He was vilified and became an outcast in society.