VIP Class Notes 25th April (Jesse) [W]
Write about a simple topic but use the vocabulary from today. Try to use different words that have the same meaning.
ie. because / as …. after that / following that…..attended / took part in.
to be / get / become familiar with – to familiarize myself with sth
fam il ee ar eye z
public wechat account
post content / publish the post
good content – quality content / high quality content
follow the account
high = to have taken drugs
drunk = to have taken alcohol
excited = to have a lot of happy / energetic feeling
Writing exercise
Today is a good day for me recently , due to the fact that my colleague is back from Japan, and I don’t need to do the double work any more. My boss also went abroad to Scotland, so I feel more relax without his watching eyes. I attended 3 meetings as usual, took a wechat English class, and watched the movie Fast and Furious 8 in the evening.I think this homework assignment is very good that it pushes me to review and think about my recent life.Actually it was hell for me these months.But I still remember these sentences that i saw in The Good Fight,”Harden yourself. Keep your head down and keep working.Work is your friend.It’s hard.But it ends.” I hope I don’t think about which day is my good day for a long time, and I hope everyday is my good day from now on.
Today is a good day for me recently / today is one of the best days I’ve had recently, due to the fact that my colleague is back from Japan, and I don’t need to do the double work-load any more. My boss also went abroad / overseas to Scotland, so I feel more relaxed without his watchful eyes / without him standing over me. I attended 3 meetings as usual, took a wechat English class, and watched the movie “Fast and Furious 8” in the evening. I think this homework assignment is very good as / because it pushes me to review myself / my life / to reflect and think about my recent life. Actually it has been hell for me these (last few) months, but I still remember the sentences that i saw in The Good Fight, which were, “Harden yourself. Keep your head down and keep working. Work is your friend. It’s hard but it ends.” I hope I don’t think about which day is my good day for a long time, and I hope everyday is my good day from now on.
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