Profile Update Notes (Tony)


Write a short essay about:

If I was fired tomorrow, what would I do?

Also, bring in an old e-mail, from about 3 months ago.

Profile Update:


Before: 4

Now: 4.25

Suggestion: Ask more questions to make sure you heard them right.


Before: 3.25

Now: 3.25

Suggestion: Pay attention to the order. Don’t forget the Verb.


Before: 4

Now: 4.4


Before: 2.75

Now: 3.25

Suggestion: Pay attention to the order of the words, and how that can affect the meaning.

Total Score:

Before:  14

Now: 15.15


I lose my mind – it slipped my mind

Did you mean…

Did you just say…

lose my mind  – go crazy or very upset because you’re unhappy or confused, overworked, etc…

eg: I lost my mind when he ate my lunch every day that week.


I’m going to store (V.).  … Store what?  Store some old winter clothes?

I’m going to the store.

I’m going to a store.

I’m going to your store.