Profile Update Class (JJ)

Your profile has been updated!

Congratulations on your progress. Good luck with the next step!

Class Notes from today:

Speaking exercise

  1. If you could invite anyone in the world for dinner, who would it be?

A: My mother, my father, my grandmother

2. Would you like to be famous, and if so, in what way?

A: Yes, I want to be a famous person. I want to be famous for a/my talent.

3. If you could wake up tomorrow having gained any one quality or ability, what would it be?

A: To copy anything in the books. —> memorize anything in the books

4. What would be a perfect day for you?

A: I want to play computer games all day, have no homework, own anything I want, have no

classes, get 100% in tests.

5. Do you follow any sports teams?

A: I like to watch diving.

6. What good books or good movies have you seen recently?

A: Chinese doctors. It talks about Wuhan’s pandemic. It’s based on a true story, how they

saved people. My friends told me it’s good.


to memorize: 背,记住

Ex: Jackson wants to memorize everything in the books.

to own something: 拥有某个东西

diving: 跳水

goalie: 守门员