Profile Update Class (Jesse)


Write about: who used to clean your house when you were a kid? Did you ever clean / learn to clean? Do you think it’s useful for kids to learn how to do housework?

Don’t use a dictionary!


In the west you get bullied for being thin, but in china it’s the opposite (to that). In china, we get bullied about being fat.

bully (v / n)
eg. He’s a bully. He bullies other kids. The little kid got bullied at school.

listen to some English radio

listening 3.5

speaking 3.25

reading 3.0 – long vowel pronunciation / some past

writing 2.75

speaking: remove until ielts is underway
writing: change to focus on writing a diary / about topics that you’re thinking about – look at last 2-3 class notes to give you ideas. Use vocab if you can.

recommendation: don’t overthink writing, don’t use a dictionary – just write about topics you’re interested in using your past notes as a guide.

IELTS focus – speaking / writing