Open+Review Class Notes 11th May (Dan)


Practice: The scenery is usually serene

Green – Been – Seen – lean – dean – mean –  cream – emu


Ineffective- If something does not work well.
eg. The sun lotion was ineffective at preventing me from getting a sunburn

Circulation–  When something (usually air or liquid) moves around inside a space.
eg. In the winter my feet and hands get cold as I have poor blood circulation.

Breeze – A soft wind
eg. Today was hot but there was a lovely cool breeze

 Rudimentary- Fundamental.
eg. Learning grammar rules are rudimentary for understanding English.

Complexion – The categorization of a persons skin, color, tone and smoothness.


Much enoughNot enough

She didn’t wear enough – Either I am being judgement or that there was an effect relationship… she didn’t wear enough so she was unhappy.

She didn’t wear much – Observation


Usually – You-shell-lee

Lane – Lay-ne

Serene -Sir -re eeen