OpenF2F Class Notes (Dan)

Needs more review

Hyberbole–obvious and intentional exaggeration

personification–the act of personifying; the attributing of human qualities to an animal, object, or abstraction:

metaphor– figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics

simile– a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by like or as.


But my family have no food – But my family has… or, But my family doesn’t have… But we have no food.


Proclaim – Incredibly official way to announce something.
e.g. I proclaim this land to be Michelle’s island.
e.g. I proclaim my brother to be King Richard


Oceania – O-she-ah-nah or O-She-ann-ah both are accepted.

Speaking exercise

I went August to America – I will go to America in August or  In August I went to America.Â