OpenF2F Class Notes (Dan)

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Confused – 困惑 – TO be unsure about something, To not understand something, To be stuck between multiple meanings, To be mentally tired.
e.g I tried to read the map but was confused where I was.
e.g. When the teacher speaks too fast I get confused.
e.g. The translation was confusing
e.g. After the car accident the man was dazed and confused.

Speaking exercise

After 17 o’clock – After 5 pm

Who? (person question) “Who had lunch? Who did you have lunch with?”

What? (object question) “What did you have for lunch/What was for lunch?”

When? (time question) “When did you have lunch/When was lunch?”

Where? (Place question) “Where was lunch?/Where did you have lunch?” different to “Where is your lunch?”

Why? (my favorite question) “Why did you have lunch?” or “Why didn’t you eat lunch?”

How? (General question) “How was lunch?” Can mean: How was the food? How was the overall experience of eating? If you were eating for a purpose (date, business meeting…) or If the restaurant was expensive (again implied by context).

Difference between:

How are you? (Right now) How have you been? (From our past meeting until now)?How was work today? (How has work affected your mood today)