OpenF2F Class Notes 5th April (Celeste)

example ( eggs zam pull) egg zam po

(can you pull the door open?)

cousin –  someone in your family who is not your brother/sister,  the daughter/son of your aunt/uncle

Ex: My cousin just had a baby.

deceased family members = family members that are dead

‘Celeste’ comes from ‘celestial’ heavenly (heaven-like), light blue.


Yesterday my cousin sister gave birth to a boy with a weight of nearly 4 kilograms. Except crying when he first came out of his mother’s stomach, he keeps sleeping all the time. In the past, the new babies were always very ugly, but now plenty of nutrition enable them to grow well and be beautiful. His grandfather gave me a hard work helping to name him, and there was a basic rule that I have to confirm the third word after his father’s family name and mother’s name. Although I have submitted several names, the final one is still not confirmed yet.

To be edited

Yesterday my cousin sister gave birth to a boy with a weight of nearly 4 kilograms. Except crying when he first came out of his mother’s stomach, he keeps sleeping all the time. In the past, the new babies were always very ugly, but now plenty of nutrition enable them to grow well and be beautiful. His grandfather gave me a hard work helping to name him, and there was a basic rule that I have to confirm the third word after his father’s family name and mother’s name. Although I have submitted several names, the final one is still not confirmed yet.