OpenF2F Class Notes 25 Feb (Trista)

Who play the piano excellent

Who is excellent at playing piano

They made by paper

They are made from paper

They are made with paper

Calligraphy – painting characters / words

Paint brush – tool for painting

Sand (ah)


The sand are very small –

The grains of sand are very fine




Secret Garden – A coloring book

What is art?

I’m not sure about the question, because I don’t know art at all. Based on my past education, no one cares about art, including my parents and teachers, because in their opinions, study well was the most important thing, and art was just something for relax. Therefore in my view, those kids who didn’t  study well had to choose art as their major. However now, I realized that’s wrong, because sometimes I went to some art shows or exhibitions, I just can’t figure out the value of these arts. Sometimes, when I have specific feelings or emotions to express, I just don’t know how to do it. If I know some musical equipments or drawing, maybe I’ll make songs or paintings. Or I’ll maybe be some artist if I was educated with art when I was a child, because I loved drawing.

What is art?

I’m not sure how to answer the question, because I don’t know about art at all. Based on my past education, no one cared about art. This included my parents and teachers, because in their opinion, studying hard was the most important thing, and art was just something for relaxing/relaxation. Therefore in my view, those kids who didn’t  study hard had to choose art as their major. However now, I have realized that’s wrong, because sometimes I go to an art show or exhibition, I don’t know how to appreciate it the way those students can. Sometimes, when I have specific feelings or emotions to express, I just don’t know how to do it. If I could play a musical instrument or if I could draw, maybe I would create songs or paintings to express myself. Or maybe I could have been an artist if I had been trained when I was young because I loved drawing.