OpenF2F Class Notes 21st July (Celeste)

They died. They are dead.

relieve stress v. – to talk or complain in order to let go of sth/sb that is annoying/frustrating
eg. I really need to relieve some stress.I need to get something off my chest.

*** to to to to to to *** I come here to take/have a class with him.

*** no ‘to’ *** When I come back home.

I just kid him.
I kid/joke with him.
I’m just kidding.

sharing about a thinking

I know I will pay more attention to my work, even overtime to work ,even face the hard work. Because I should be a independent girl.
Recently months, there were lots of terrible things, which I don’t know where they come, and I had annoyed everyday in order to complain this things to my husband. It is bed period.

With the time going, i decided to fire my boss,
Just have not gotten good opportunity. And stop to complain to my husband. Sorry husband. This Thursday, when I was taking exercise I got a thinking is that whatever something I met,whatever the day so hot, whatever I annoyed with my husband. He is always alone with me.

Someone can help me to prepare my breakfast everyday, someone is willing to lesson to me,someone’s lift is like a party when he with me. Yes, he is my husband. Black Chen

sharing about a thinking

I know I will pay more attention to my work, even when I work overtime, even when my tasks are extremely hard. I work hard to be able to contribute to my relationship/to support our lifestyle/marriage/relationship.
These past few months, there were lots of terrible things that happened to me, which I don’t know where they came from. I was annoyed everyday which led me to complain to my husband. It was a bad period/time.

Complaining everyday to Chen wasn’t the best thing for our relationship.

After all those terrible things, I wanted to fire my boss,
I just have not gotten a good opportunity. I started to stop complaining to my husband. Sorry husband. This Tuesday, when I was exercising I got an idea that whatever problems I meet, I will stop complaining to Chen because he is always there for me.

My husband helps me prepare my breakfast everyday, he is willing to listen to me, his life is like a party when he is with me. Yes, he is my amazing husband, Chen.