OpenF2F Class Notes 20 Feb (Trista)


Superiority (SOO peer ee or i tee) – being better than

Differentiation (diff ER en she Ay shun) – the way that something is different

Key  (adj) – very important

Wealthier (well thee er)

Finding – something that was found/discovered

Promise (PRAW miss)

Consumer – es sound


Expertise (EX per teece)

Desirable (dah ZEYE ra bal)

Segment – piece of something

Regimen (re ja men) – step by step process/ routine

KOL influence
For our products, especial the star ones, we can invite several KOLs or celebrities to share their opinions on our products. And these KOLs with different backgrounds can inspire distinct perspectives about products, which make our products more vivid to the customers. Also these KOLs can drive attention to our products through their channels.
Customer experience
It’s very important to share the real experience with our customers which can help them make decisions. Together with selected comments by the customers, we can sort out some inspiring and impressive ideas to create some special reports in depth.

KOL influence
For our products, especially the star ones, we can invite several KOLs or celebrities to share their opinions on our products. These KOLs with different backgrounds can inspire distinct perspectives about products, which provides a more vivid image of our products to consumers. These KOLs can also bring attention to our products through their channels.
Customer experience
It’s very important to share the real experience with our customers, which can help them make decisions. Together with selected comments by the customers, we can sort out inspiring and impressive ideas to create special reports in depth.