OpenF2F Class Notes 10th March (Celeste)

Always I teach the last year students in the university.I always teach the fourth year students/seniors at the university.

choclickchocolate (choc lit)

bouquet (bow k) – a bunch of flowers wrapped in newspaper, paper, or plastic

stick tongue in between front teeth and gently blow out to pronounce TH TH TH TH  🙂

Wietnamese restaurant – Vietnamese (VVV ietnamese) restaurant

I ate green rice first time. – I ate green rice for the first time.

I thought it was a good restaurant. / I think it is a good restaurant.

My Spring Feelings

Spring is my favorite season because  it is beautiful and comfortable (the weather is perfect/not too hot, not too cold). However, I have one problem which is that I always feel tired and want to sleep. Maybe it comes from a Chinese proverb, “one feels dizziness in spring and fatigue in autumn.†Except for this one problem, I think spring is very nice. We can go outside to hike, have a picnic, or admire the beauty of the spring flowers with some friends. I also like traveling in spring whether in China or other countries.

This year, l plan to go to Malaysia to visit  the very beautiful beaches and eat delicious food.

My Spring Feeling

Spring is my favorite season because of its beautiful and comfortable. However, there is a problem which is that l always feel tied and want to sleep. Maybe it confirmation a proverb of China, called “one feels dizziness in spring and fatigue in autumn.†Except this, i think spring is all nice. Like we can go to outside to hiking or have a picnic or admire the beauty of flowers with some friends. I also like travel in spring no matter in china or other country.

This year I plan to go to Malaysia to travel which is a country that has very beautiful beaches and delicious food