Open + Review Class Notes 1st November (Tony)

floaty tube – a tube that will sit on top of the water, used for kids to play in the water. “My daughter is 2 and a half, she was playing with a floaty tube in the pool.”

too bad – a pity, or something regretful eg: “It was too bad that we couldn’t go out more, we just stayed at the hotel the whole time.”

trendy (adj) trend (n)

Original –

“Double 11†holiday will come, do you prepare well your shopping list? From the late of Oct, the Taobao dealers had published lots of promotion products. If you were interested in them, you can prepay the deposit and you can get more discounts. I browsed the Taobao today, I found that more and more products would joined in this “Double 11†holiday. However, I also found that some products would not had more discounts than before, even the price will be higher than normal days.

Correction –

“Double 11†holiday will come, are you preparing your shopping list? From the end of Oct, the Taobao dealers had published lots of promotional products. If you were interested in them, you can prepay the deposit and you can get more discounts. I browsed Taobao today, I found that more and more products had become available during “Double 11†holiday. However, I also found that some products would not have more discounts than before, even the price will be higher than normal days.