Open + Review 20th October (Tony)
It takes me 30 minutes to walk here.
Original –
In next month, Nov11th, the largest online shopping festival will come and we call it “Double 11â€. This festival likes American’s Black Friday. The most of the online shopping websites will not miss this chance to earn money. The main way of this shopping festival to sell products is much lower price than normal days. This way would let you feel that if you don’t buy, you lose, if you buy, you earn. So this festival can stimulate consumption, the sale on the day of last year was 9,1120K CNY.
Correction –
Next month on Nov. 11th the largest online shopping holiday, called “Double 11”, will come. This holiday is like America’s “Black Friday.” Most of the shopping websites will not miss this chance to earn money. The main purpose of this shopping holiday is to sell products with much lower prices than normal. This way would let you feel that if you don’t buy, you lose, if you buy, you save money. So this holiday can stimulate consumption, the sales of last year’s event were 9,112,000 (9.1 Million) CNY. ($9.1M)
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