Open F2F Class Notes November 29th (Ben)

Questions about a verb

eat / ate / (have) eaten

  1. present : I eat spicy food.          —> DO YOU ?
  2. past – 时间明确: I ate spicy food yesterday. ———–>DID YOU?
  3. past – 时间不明确 [used with HAVE]: I have eaten spicy food already. ———–> HAVE YOU?

2- I ate spicy food 时间明确= this morning, yesterday, last night, 2 weeks ago, when I was a child, when I lived in Beijing

3- I have eaten spicy food 时间不明确 = already, before, never, until now, so far

have / had / (have) had

I have had a driving license for 5 years (= so far)

play / played / (have) played

do / did / (have) done

go / went / (have) gone

live / lived / lived

I have lived in Shanghai for more than 6 years.

I have never gone bungee jumping.

Original version

In China, If you bought a apartment, But actually, this apartment was pledged to a Bank for borrow some money or It already sell to other one. You have right to ask the seller return your money 、 interest and some compensation that no more than double to you paid money. It was important information I learned. Before time, I just know I can not do this thing. Even I have done this job for many years, but until now It just cleared.

Edited version

In China, if you buy an apartment that was pledged to a bank to borrow some money or already sold to someone else, you have right to ask the seller to return your money, interest and some compensation under the double of the money that you spent. It was important information I learned.

Before time, I just thought I could not do this thing. Even though I have done this job for many years, but until now I didn’t know. It just learned it today.

I bought the car that my wife wanted.

for do –> to do

sell / sold / sold

it sell

Passive: BE + verb in past perfect

it was pledged and sold (it was pledged and it was sold)

If A. –> If A, then B. 

ask someone do –> ask someone to do

even –> even if, even though

Even though –> no “but”. Even though A, B