Open F2F Class Notes April 9th (Ben)


get rid of 

a moth 蛾子

Please help me get rid of the moths in my wardrobe.

112 is the universal emergency number. You can dial it 24-7 (=24 hours a day and 7 days a week)

Writing exercise


Yesterday afternoon,  I found a little cat besieged in the grass by a pile of rubbish when I was looking around.I went to look careful, It is a stray cat.Wait,  what was it doing? He was going to knock himself out.Yeah,it was using it’s head. How many
time was it going to try that?Once,twice,cat was out.Well,the cat out of its mind. Because for free.However, half minutes later, the cat back in the grass.There were a lot of foods  in it, so the cat would be stay here for survival.

Edited version

Yesterday afternoon,  I found a little cat surrounded by a pile of rubbish in the green area by a building that I was walking around. I went to look carefully. It was a stray cat. Wait, what was it doing? It was going to knock itself out. Yeah, it was using its head to knock the rubbish away. How many times was it going to try that? It did it once, twice and then it finally got out.

Well,the cat had been out of its mind. Because it wanted to get free. However, half a minute later, the cat was back in the grass. There was a lot of food on it, so the cat could stay there to feed itself.

besieged = 四面楚歌

surround 包围

The cat was bumping its head against the rubbish trap / prison.

a green area by a building