Open F2F Class Notes _30th May (Harmony)
Ice cream (ice – cream)
Eye cream (I cream)
In a few days i always go to the gym for fitness and eat healthy food.When i finish my work and go home i will go to vegetable market to buy something for cook. If i want to cook salad,i will chose the chicken breasts, tomatoes,green peppers,lettuce and broccoli. At first cut the chicken breast into slices than put salt and soy together then wait for 20 minute.The second put the chicken breasts and broccoli into boiled water for cook. And clean all the vegetables. The last get all the stuff together with salad cream and eat them.
These past few days i always go to the gym for fitness and eat healthy food.When i finish my work and go home i will stop at the vegetable market to buy something to cook. If i want to make a salad, i will choose the chicken breasts, tomatoes, green peppers, lettuce, and broccoli. First I will cut the chicken breast into slices then put salt and soy together then wait for 20 minutes. Second put the chicken breasts and broccoli into boiled water to cook. Next I will clean all the vegetables. Last I will put all the stuff together with salad dressing and eat it.
Broccoli (brock – oh – lee)
Slices (sly – ces)
Vegetables (veg – eh – tah – buls/ veg – tah – buls)
When I work over – when I work overtime
Cook a salad – make a salad
salad cream – salad dressing
dictionary (dick – shuN – airee)
cooking pot: a bowl with handles to put on the stove to heat food/water/soup etc.
kitchen utensil: a general term for spoons/knives/ forks/ any tools used in the kitchen.
Spatula: a kitchen utensil that is flat for flipping things (like eggs)
Green leafy vegetables: any green vegetables that looks similar to lettuce.
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