Open F2F Class Notes _17th Mar (Harmony)
Angelina F2F
invisible (in – vis – a- bull)
tangible (tan – gi – bull)
the economic in china – the economy in china has slowed down
I don’t have many knowledge – I don’t have much knowledge/ I don’t have a lot of knowledge.
many paperworks – a lot of paperwork
I think about to exchange a job – I think about changing jobs
Angelina Email Review
According to the CCTV, insurance has been the top three choice of investment ,and the percentage is 36.76%,and the other two choices is stock (33.05%),finance products(32.69%). I am so happy to heard this news.
In the past years, people think that insurance is deceptions , and they think the saler is not good person , and treat them like a “cheater”, but now, people realize that if they don’t get enough insurance to confront accident , natural disaster, they may suffer more pain. But just get a insurance policy using a small quality of money, they can get enough safeguard.
Another situation, in the past years, who said he bought the insurance policy, persons around him would say he must be cheated or he didn’t have the necessary to buy it.
But now, the insurance, house and car have been the top three necessary properties. For us, we need safety,
According to CCTV, insurance has been in the top three choices of investment, and the percentage is 36.76. The other two choices are stock (33.05%), finance products(32.69%). I am so happy to hear this news.
In the past years, people thought that insurance is a deception, and they think the seller is not a good person and treat them like a “cheater”. But now, people realize that if they don’t get enough insurance to confront an accident, or natural disaster they may suffer more pain. But if they just get a insurance policy using a small quantity of money, they can get a safeguard.
Another situation, in the past years, someone who said he bought an insurance policy, people around him would say he must have been cheated or he didn’t have the need to buy it.
But now, insurance, house, and car have been the top three necessary purchases. For us, we need safety, health and good education.
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