Open F2F Class notes 9th August (Eddie)

I told him […].

I shared with him […].

Even I work a lot, my boss is not happy. 🙁

Even though I work a lot, my boss is not happy. 🙂

through / thru

go =

get =

I’m going through a difficult time. = it started a while ago, it is still happening and it will probably continue for a while

This is a very difficult time for me, but I am sure I’ll get through it. = this indicates a moment when this time will be over.

I have to go through a thousand photos to find the one I am looking for.

to get through to someone = to make oneself understood by someone else

I’m trying to explain to my mother why I am doing this job, but I’m just not getting through to her.
Country A won the war against country B through the use of more powerful weapons.
The conflict was ended through negotiation.

Country A won the war against country B by using more powerful weapons.

Last Sunday, I watched opening ceremony of Rio olympics. As the reports of their poor facilities and the security issues, I didn’t have great expectation for it. But the facts proved I was wrong. The ceremony was better than my imagination, especially the lights and projections. In my view, a successful opening ceremony should satisfy two conditions. One is to show world’s people the history and feature of the host country, the other is to spread the spirit of the olympics. I think rio did both well. It also mentioned environment problems. Overall, I consider it was a good opening ceremony.

Last Sunday, I watched the opening ceremony of the Rio Olympics. After all the news reports of their poor facilities and the security issues, I didn’t have great expectations. But the facts proved I was wrong. The ceremony was better than I had imagined, especially the lights and projections. In my view / To me / As far I’m concerned / If you ask me, a successful opening ceremony should satisfy / meet two conditions. One is to show the people of the world the history and achievements of the host country, while the other is to spread the spirit of the Olympics. I think Rio did both well, and even went a step further by also mentioning environmental problems and the role of slavery in its history. Overall, I thought it was a good opening ceremony.

beyond my imagination = way more than I could have imagined


I expected the Beijing Olympics opening ceremony to be spectacular, but what I saw was beyond my imagination.