Open F2F Class Notes 8th August (Raph)

Genetics (n): 1- the genetic properties or features of an organism, characteristic, etc. 2- 基因

DNA (n): 1- It is the carrier of genetic information. 2- 脱氧核糖核酸

Ethnicity (n): 1- social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.

“If I want to read an English novel, I have to have a dictionary with me.”

Powerful team
Last Friday Harmony left the SE. I felt a little sad, because I think she is a good teacher and want to learn from her. But I become happy very quickly, for two new teachers—Ben and Raph join the SE. Today was my first time to have lesson with Raph who was a nice guy. A week ago I had had lesson with Ben. Judy told us on wechat that two part time job teachers—Peter and Daniel would come back soon. So In the future there are lots of good teachers at SE. I think I would make big progress with these good teachers.

Powerful team
Last Friday Harmony left SE. I felt a little sad, because I think she is a good teacher and wanted to learn from her. But I became happy very quickly, for two new teachers, Ben and Raph, joined SE. Today was my first lesson with Raph, who was a nice guy. A week ago I had lesson with Ben. Judy told us on Wechat that two part time teachers, Peter and Daniel. will come back soon, so In the future there will be lots of good teachers at SE. I think I will make lots of progress with these good teachers.