Open F2F Class Notes 7th December (Raph)


Stressful (adj): 1- something that causes mental or emotional stress.
E.g.: I had a stressful day at work today.

Pollen (n): 1- very small seeds we find in flowers. 2- 花粉
E.g.: Bees help spread pollen so new plants can grow.

Messy (adj): 1- something marked by confusion, disorder, or dirt. 2- not neat or organized.
E.g.: I don’t like working in a messy office.


There was nothing special thing. – There was nothing special

I don’t know what I wrote about – I didn’t know what to write about.


As it was sometimes warm and sometimes cold during these days, it was very easy to get a cold in this weather. I found that many people around me had got a cold already. They often sneezed over and over and coughed a lot. I felt I was surrounding by virus. I need to increase the natural immunity to resist virus, eat more food which including rich VC and sleep early.


The weather has been sometimes warm and sometimes cold these days, so it is very easy to get a cold. Many people around me have gotten a cold already. They often sneeze over and over and cough a lot, so I feel like I am surrounded by virus. I need to increase my natural immunity in order to resist viruses, so I should eat more foods that are rich in Vitamin C and sleep early.