Open F2F Class notes 6th August (Eddie)

tied =/= tired

I don’t see that – I didn’t see it / I didn’t catch that.


Movember = no-shave November, a campagn used to raise awareness about men’s health issues.

binge drinking = drinking without stopping for a long time

etiquette = protocol, a set of rules to be followed in a certain context

Yesterday, I failed to sleep again because of my jet lag. I could not sleep until it was 3 A.M. I went to bed on time as usual, but I found that there are a lot of idea in my mind during that time. These as movies started to be played in my mind, in which was happened in yesterday. I did not understand why I reminded these things when I could not sleep. Then, I got up and opened my computer to play game. In this case, why not enjoyed this time to do what I wanted to do. Almost one half hour, I felt a little tied ,and then, I closed my computer and went to bed again. It was so good because I could sleep again.

Yesterday, I couldn’t sleep because of jet lag. At 3 A.M., I was wide awake. I had gone to bed on time as usual, but I was still buzzing and had lots of ideas running around in my head. A movie of the day before kept playing in my head. I couldn’t understand why I couldn’t stop thinking about all these things. Then, I got up and turned on my computer to play a game. In this case, why not enjoyed this time to do what I wanted to do. Almost half an hour later, I felt a little tired, and then turned off my computer and went to bed again. Falling asleep never felt so good.