Open F2F Class notes 5th September (Eddie)
type of room
– single
– double
– studio
– suite (Presidential or Royal – the most expensive type of room)
royal adj = which is connected to royalty
royalty n = a group of people connected to the royal family of a country
royal n = a member of royalty
smoking / non-smoking
a room facing East = you can see the sunrise
a quiet room =
Yesterday when I went out to have dinner, I noticed a man with a dog, he took a dog walked on the road, suddenly he found puke on the ground, so he tied the rope and let the dog didn’t close it. The dog didn’t know what happened, so it looked at its master. I just crossed them and saw the whole thing, I really found the dog’s expression like a man.
Last night when I went out to have dinner, I noticed a man with a dog. He was walking the dog on a leash on the sidewalk when suddenly he spotted a pool of dried up human vomit. He didn’t wait for the dog to see the puke and pulled hard on the leash to keep the dog away. The dog was caught completely by surprise and look at his master in disbelief. I witnessed the whole thing from close range, and I really thought the dog’s expression looked just a human’s.
leash = a cord used to restrain or control an animal such as a dog
sidewalk = a footpath on the side of a road used by pedestrians
to spot = to notice, to see
dried-up = which contains no water
witness n = a person who was present when something happened or saw something that happened
to witness something v = to be present or to see something
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