Open F2F Class Notes 4th September (Peter)


(Original – corrected)

I assistant my manager – I’m a manager’s assistant

I took my daughter to supermarket – I took my daughter to the/a supermarket



Palestine – a small country that borders, Egypt, Israel (以色列), Jordan (约旦), 巴勒斯坦

Arabic – 阿拉伯语

Lollipop – 棒棒糖 (less commonly called a sucker)

Connotation – the feeling associated with a word, either positive, negative, or neutral.

Ex. The word “fat” has a very negative connotation.

Synonym – two words that have the same meaning


The G20 Summit is held in Hangzhou now. Hangzhou is a beautiful city that many immigrants adore it and choose to settle down. There is a saying, Up above there is heaven, down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou, describing its beauty. If we perceive Shanghai as a modern girl, Hangzhou is a definitely typical gentle maiden. Living in Shanghai is stressful, contrarily, in Hangzhou it is relaxing.

I used to go to Hangzhou with my grandparents. We all love West Lake very much. West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides which makes air there fresh and clean. Water in the lake is clear that we can see fishes chasing with each other. In the spring and summer, blooming flowers grace the lake. And in the winter, snow covering the bridges and roads make a silver world.


The G20 Summit is held in Hangzhou now. Hangzhou is a beautiful city that many immigrants adore and choose to settle down in. There is a saying: “up above there is heaven, down below there are Suzhou and Hangzhou,” describing its beauty. If we perceive Shanghai as a modern girl, Hangzhou is a definitely typical gentle maiden. Living in Shanghai is stressful; contrastingly, in Hangzhou life is relaxing.

I used to go to Hangzhou with my grandparents. We all love West Lake very much. West Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides which makes the air there fresh and clean. Water in the lake is so clear that we can see fish chasing each other. In the spring and summer, blooming flowers grace the lake. And in the winter, snow covering the bridges and roads makes a silver world.